Life Groups
Our Life groups meet during the week for prayer, bible study and enjoy “doing life” together.
To get the most out of church life, we highly recommend involvement in a Life Group.
Life-on-life discipleship is a core value of our church whanau.

The Ladies Life Group meets on Monday mornings at 10:00 am in the pastor’s office. This group began more than 15 years ago and has “been through many seasons of change” but always comes back to reading and studying the Bible as the foundation for all of life.
The ladies usually begin by chatting, catching up or sharing testimonies before reading and discussing the word. In addition, they may do something different from time to time such as a prayer walk or carol singing, and they enjoy a fellowship lunch together every so often.
This is a welcoming and caring group that seeks to pray together, journey together, and support one another and all ladies – young or old – are welcome (including young mums with babies/toddlers).
For more information, please contact Chrissy Riddell on 027 253 5475

This Life Group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm and is accommodating of all adults at any stage of their faith journey. Tea/coffee and snacks are the prevailing custom followed by a topical course/book study, discussion, and prayer.
This group, the core of which began about 8 years ago, enjoys “doing life together”, practicing hospitality, encouraging & challenging one another, and maintaining a connection throughout the week. Growing together is a key aspect of this Life Group.
For more information, please contact Greg or Sophie Tunnicliffe on 027 278 3461

This Life Group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm and describes themselves as follows:
“We are a group of believers who do LIFE together enjoying FRIENDSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and FUN during our time on Tuesday evenings. We are ENTHUSIASTIC and WELCOMING of others, expressing our AROHA for one another, our families and the wider community. We proclaim God’s LOVE for us and continue to grow in our love for Him. We are PRAYERFUL and SUPPORTIVE as we explore God’s word together in a way that is INVALUABLE and FULFILLING. Our group can be summarized with the Afrikaans word HARTLIK meaning WARMHEARTED or WHOLEHEARTED.”
For more information, please contact Mark or Jillaine Kelly on 027 728 2411

This Life Group meets on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in a private home, usually at the same venue but on occasion they may shift around a bit. This group is made up of older and younger people (spiritually and physically), so they have some amazing discussions, and the care and love are real – there are often text messages etc. happening during the week too.
The group enjoys, among other things, doing book studies. For example, last year the group started a study by Jerry Bridges called ‘Trusting God’, which has been totally relevant, encouraging, challenging and worthwhile.
While they meet to read and study the Bible and pray, there will always be a time of sharing about their daily lives and struggles. There is confidence and safety to discuss matters within the group and they care about the ‘real world’ that we are living in, and those that they are reaching out to. “We even share plants!”
For more information, please contact Len and Esther on 027 381 3175
DL Moody said, “Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.”
Prayer is the beginning point of everything we do.
Our corporate prayer groups meet on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm in the church foyer and on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the café.